Toms Ce discusses how traditional game advertising methods like pop-ups and banners disrupt gameplay, frustrate creators, and alienate users. He advocates for in-game product placement as a better solution, where brands integrate seamlessly into the game, enhancing the experience for players, offering organic exposure for advertisers, and providing new revenue streams for creators.
Toms Ce discusses how traditional game advertising methods like pop-ups and banners disrupt gameplay, frustrate creators, and alienate users. He advocates for in-game product placement as a better solution, where brands integrate seamlessly into the game, enhancing the experience for players, offering organic exposure for advertisers, and providing new revenue streams for creators.
Toms Ce discusses how traditional game advertising methods like pop-ups and banners disrupt gameplay, frustrate creators, and alienate users. He advocates for in-game product placement as a better solution, where brands integrate seamlessly into the game, enhancing the experience for players, offering organic exposure for advertisers, and providing new revenue streams for creators.


How To Fix In-Game Advertising

in-game ads


Advertising in games is often a necessary evil. While brands want exposure, traditional methods of advertising—pop-ups, banners, and mid-game interruptions—shift attention away from gameplay and frustrate everyone involved. For users, these ads ruin immersion; for creators, they disrupt the flow of the experience; and for advertisers, they come across as intrusive, alienating the audience they want to engage.

However, there’s a better way: in-game product placement. When done correctly, product placement enhances the game for users, offers new revenue streams for creators, and allows brands to be part of the story rather than an interruption. Here’s why product placement works so well—and how it benefits all parties.

The Struggles of Traditional Game Advertising

In traditional advertising:

  • Disrupting Users: Players are immersed in a world, and when pop-ups or banner ads appear, they break the flow, pulling the user out of the game.

  • Frustrating Creators: Game designers invest countless hours into crafting seamless experiences, only to see them broken by ads that jar players’ attention away.

  • Ineffective for Advertisers: The more intrusive the ad, the more likely users will tune it out. Instead of engagement, brands generate frustration.

This model is broken for all three groups—users, creators, and advertisers alike.

The Power of Product Placement

Product placement flips the script entirely. When integrated organically, it becomes part of the game, offering a seamless, immersive way for brands to enter the scene. Take, for example, Clixx integrating Mr. Beast’s Feastables into a game as a power-up. Imagine that when players eat a Feastables bar in-game, they receive an energy boost that makes their character faster or stronger for a limited time. The product is part of the fun—enhancing the gameplay while simultaneously giving Mr. Beast’s brand valuable exposure.

This approach benefits everyone:

  • For Users: Instead of interrupting the experience, product placement enhances it. Players use the branded item in-game, deepening their engagement and making the product feel like a natural extension of the game world.

  • For Creators: Creators can design product placements that fit the narrative of their game, allowing for immersive and thoughtful advertising. No more clunky pop-ups, just smooth integration.

  • For Advertisers: Brands get organic exposure, with players interacting with their products in memorable ways. This drives higher engagement and loyalty, as players associate the brand with the fun they’re having.

The Need for a Better Approach

A more effective advertising system would focus on:

  • Organic Integration: Brands should be woven into the fabric of the game, enhancing rather than disrupting gameplay.

  • Data-Driven Placement: By leveraging heat maps and player interaction data, brands can identify where their products will be most impactful, ensuring they appear at the right moments.

  • Positive Brand Association: Products that add value to the game build stronger connections with players, leading to higher brand loyalty and greater retention of the message.

Steps to Improve Advertising in Games

To better support users, creators, and advertisers alike:

  1. Emphasize Organic Integration: Focus on seamlessly incorporating products into the gameplay experience. Think power-ups, character skins, or interactive environments—anything that aligns with the game’s story and world.

  2. Leverage Data: Use gameplay analytics to understand where players are spending their time and which moments offer the best opportunities for brand exposure. This ensures that placements are both effective and valuable.

  3. Enhance, Don’t Disrupt: Ensure that all product placements add something to the gameplay. Whether it's giving a character an advantage or simply fitting into the visual environment, every brand interaction should be meaningful.


Traditional game advertising is failing because it pulls users out of the experience, frustrates creators, and alienates advertisers. In-game product placement is the solution—an approach that benefits all parties by weaving brands into the fabric of the game itself. By focusing on organic integration, data-driven placement, and enhancing the player experience, we can create a system where advertising doesn’t interrupt the game—it becomes a part of it.

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