Toms Ce breaks down his experience raising a Web3 seed round, detailing offers involving 'non-traditional services,' market makers proposing token dumps, and VCs asking how his project differed from Otherside. Despite challenges, 60 productive meetings led to DWF leading the round with angels from community efforts filling it.
Toms Ce breaks down his experience raising a Web3 seed round, detailing offers involving 'non-traditional services,' market makers proposing token dumps, and VCs asking how his project differed from Otherside. Despite challenges, 60 productive meetings led to DWF leading the round with angels from community efforts filling it.
Toms Ce breaks down his experience raising a Web3 seed round, detailing offers involving 'non-traditional services,' market makers proposing token dumps, and VCs asking how his project differed from Otherside. Despite challenges, 60 productive meetings led to DWF leading the round with angels from community efforts filling it.


Raising a Seed in Web3


Breakdown Of How Raising a Seed in Web3 Went

  • 2 offers while at a conference involving "non-traditional services" (read: money for sex).

  • 7 market makers proposed to strategically dump tokens for cash.

  • 60 productive meetings where the pitch actually landed.

  • 25 VCs asked, "How is this different from Otherside?"

  • 5 offers to invest in NFTs (none of which were good).

  • 1 investor backed out after their "favorite token crashed."

  • 1 acquisition offer for 40%.

  • DWF led the round with a full understanding of the vision.

  • angels came from community efforts, filling the round.

© 2024 Toms Ce



© 2024 Toms Ce

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